It was started from a simple idea about how to make my blog looks simple but contain many information. About how to make almost everything in the home page, just like a news website. We can see slider, headline news, what is new, and sort it by a specific topic. I was browsing, searching all around the google by many key words, then finally I got a html codes about how to make a recent post sorted in a specific label. It was so plain. No background, no any border, or any else. So I decorate it by using some CSS codes to get what I want, and everything is just like this.

Jumat, 22 Februari 2013
Selasa, 19 Februari 2013
Patches for S60V5 System | Symbian Tips n' Trick
Hello guys. I know what do you feel when you try to apply some tips or trick on your Symbian gadget, and realize it did not work. I was confuse about it. What the h**k is this! What is going on?! I believe you experience that or have another expression. But do not worry, because it is about to be solved now. All you need is an application an some patches. Let's just start it anyway.
Senin, 18 Februari 2013
Texas Holdem Poker 3 v1.0.4 | S60V5 Games
Another game review has been revealed. Now, we will provide you one of most played games in Facebook. It is Poker, Texas Holdem Poker 3 v1.0.4 for S60V5 gadget. This game is developed by Gameloft as a java game. Gameloft has been produced many cool game, and this game is one of them. We have played it, and everything is just awesome. Let's take a closer view.
Minggu, 17 Februari 2013
Monopoli The World Edition v4.18 | S60V5 Games
See me again. We are about to share the result of our review of this game. It is Monopoli The World Edition v4.18.79. This game is a java game made by EA Games in association with Hasbro. Actually we have review another version of this game. It is Monopoli Deal. You can have it here, if you interested to try. Back to the world edition, it is more loke monopoli most of us play. Curious to know? Here it is.
Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013
Plants Vs Zombies v4.0.45 | S60V5 Games
Hi guys. I don't remember when the last time I review a game. But don't worry, because I will review one now. I have played this game in my PC recently. Quite amusing. The game is Plants Vs Zombies for S60V5 gadget. This game is published by EA Games and Pop Cap, and it is a kind of java game. In Deby's Blog, we never review something that we do not try. And for this game, of course we play it first. And now we will report it to you. Let's Start.
Jumat, 15 Februari 2013
Cara Mengatur Jarak Antar Widget | Blogger Tutorial
Sudah lama sekali saya mencari cara untuk masalah yang satu ini. Jarak antar widget bisa menjadi masalah untuk penampilan blog. Efisiensi halaman pun menjadi tuntutan. Jarak antar widget yang terlalu jauh membuat tampilan tidak in pack. Seperti terlalu berpencar. Beruntung, dengan niat yang baik untuk perubahan yang lebih baik (kayak caleg aja ya, hehehe...), akhirnya saya menemukan cara ini, dan masalah pun terselesaikan. Bagaimana caranya? Yuk kita simak aja penjelasannya.
Kamis, 14 Februari 2013
HTC Sense by Fadlyboy | S60V5 O.R Theme
Kembali ke ranah Theme. Kali ini ada theme karya Fadlyboy, namanya HTC Sense. Theme ini memang sedikit mengadopsi tampilan dari HTC, lebih-lebih pada bagian background. Yang saya suka dari theme ini adalah latarnya yang smooth, yang kalem, ya enak lah untuk dipandang. Hehehe... Theme ini sudah melalui beberapa tes yang dilakukan oleh Tim Review dari Deby's Blog. Dan inilah dia penampakannya.
Rabu, 13 Februari 2013
Beltop Menu Only | Minimalis S60V5 Tips n' Trick
Hello guys. Kali ini saya akan sedikit berbagi tips minimalis yang dapat teman-teman terapkan untuk mempercantik tampilan dari gadget S60V5 teman-teman. Dikatakan minimalis karena tips kali ini hanya memelukan satu aplikasi dan tidak memelukan patch apapun. Pada dasarnya tips kali ini merupakan reduksi dari tips merubah tampilan S60V5 menjadi Belle yang pernah saya posting sebelumnya. Apabila teman-teman ingin melihat posting terdahulu yang saya maksud tersebut, teman-teman dapat melihatnya di sini. Dan untuk tips minimalis kali ini, teman-teman dapat melihat cuplikannya berikut ini.
Selasa, 12 Februari 2013
Colored Wood by Dean | S60V5 O.R Theme
Hello guys. In this recently week, I am on the mood of editing some theme. My first plan was to translate some application language. But, I do not have the skill yet. I decide to start from the easy one. This time, I edited a theme created by IND90, Fissure Blue. I posted that theme a few days ago, you may look at the theme if you may. The edited version is named by me as Colored Wood by Dean, because it has colored wood as the background. I believe you all will like it. Here it is.
Kamis, 07 Februari 2013
Ukuran Wallpaper Terbaik Untuk Layar 16:9
Deby's Blog kali ini akan memberikan sedikit tips dalam memilih atau membuat ukuran wallpaper terbaik untuk handphone dengan rasio layar 16:9. Handphone yang memiliki rasio seperti itu adalah Nokia 5800 XpressMusic atau pun Navigator, Nokia 5530, C6, dan handphone touchscreen lainnya yang kebetulan saya tidak hapal seri nya. Hehehe... Yuk kita mulai aja.
Rabu, 06 Februari 2013
TTPod 5.0 translated by Flaiitytoh | S60V5 Application
Well, after so many times update about S60V5 themes, this time is the applications turn. Today, Deby's Blog Review Team will take a little test on TTPod 5.0 translated by Flaiilytoh. Such a weird name for me. If you don't know what is TTPod, it's a kind of music player. There are many tools that nokia music player don't has. For example sleep mode for stop countdown, shaking mode for changing the song, skin mode if you want to have a different music player interface, and many more. Here is the screenshot.
Selasa, 05 Februari 2013
Fissure Blue by IND190 | O.R. S60V5 and S60V3 Theme
Hadir kembali guys. Posting kemaren ane post dalam bahasa Inggris. Cari cakupan pengunjung juga sih. Hehehe... Nah, kali ini ada theme keren lagis. Namanya Fissure Blue by IND190. Theme master yang satu ini memang sudah tersohor di mana-mana ya guys. Theme ini keren banget kalo menurut Tim Review Deby's Blog. Ide Background dan icon yang sungguh menarik perhatian, membuat theme ini patut kita acungin jempol. Nah, ini dia Fissure Blue by IND190.
Minggu, 03 Februari 2013
SimpleBlue edited by Dean | O.R and Beltop S60V5 Theme
Hai guys. Now, I would like to review one more theme. This one is my first edited theme. It was Simpleblue by ghi3. But I dislike the background. So, I decide to change it. I hope all of you will like my work here. Here it is, SimpleBlue edited by Dean. This theme has cool blue background and fresh icons. Real recommended for your tube guys. Check this one out.