Now day who does not know Facebook. This biggest social network gives so many changes in human history. Start from the reunion of the lost boy and the father, till the reformation in Egypt. Lets say thanks to Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook inventor. Without him, what social network would be?
Just a few hours ago, Facebook update my facebook profile layout. It looks very interactive to us. If I may, it looks like a micro blogging. You may see this one if yours is not updated yet.
Below are some point that I like most :
- Cover, this one is new in social network history. Facebook knows how to invent something. With cover, you may choose your mood or your theme of you. I like it so much. Look at mine, a black cat look at you and say something. Cool right. Hahaha,,
- Pinned profile photo. It looks real classic. This one give facebook another point in this review.
- Timelime. We have to consider this one. With this timeline our status update, uploaded photos will arranged tidily in some good arrangement. It makes my profile looks great.
Ok, that would be may impresion to Facebook new layout. Hope Facebook keep their creative employer to give more good invention. (^_^)
great info
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